Welcome to Salem Covenant Church

What began in the late 19th century during the first wave of Swedish immigrants to Worcester, became First Swedish Evangelical Congregational Church, in downtown Worcester Massachusetts in 1896, became Salem Square Covenant Church in 1949, and Salem Covenant Church on E. Mountain St in 1968. And while our community has physically moved, and lived through many times of change...

...we see the hand of God as we continue to "move," figuratively this time, to a time and future of clear and exciting recognition of the Holy Spirit's movement in our church community, our neighbors, and the world.

Our history brings us to "now"

We share in the Inclusivity and Love of God, the Incarnational Power of Christ among us, and the Action and Reliable Inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

We are on a journey here! We welcome you to share in our community of fellow faith travelers, while we seek to live lives of service and care as we respond to Creator, Christ, and Spirit. Learn more about who we are.

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